My Saturday!

Hey, hey, hey, visitor(z)! Today is MY day! As in my saturday/computer/freedom day! But not all freedom... Gotta do some house chores XP: Hangs the clothes out to dry, wash the dishes, wash school socks, plus schoolwork of course(Eng, Chi and Art)and worst of all!---> (DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN~~~) Babysitting my younger sister.

It's not all bad babysitting her, unless she goes against my "orders", she'd be smacked by me. *Evil Laugh* Since she's having her monthly exams next week, getting her to study ain't an easy job. After finishing her homework and lunch, she asked whether she could watch Popeye (Yes, it's still showing here), and I let her, under one condition: Studying after watching tv. So after she finished watching, I was anxious when she went behind my back and guess what she was doing... Playing POLLY!(You know those teeny-tiny dolls where you ca just tear out their head, hands, legs, even the body? Gross, huh?) When I told her to go study, she actually back-fired at me, saying: I just stacked 'em out! (Doesn't that put a vein to your head?) Now, she's studying. But I don't know how long is that gonna last... (Usually... OK, always, she falls asleep half-way through her schoolwork)

She should be lucky my parents nor my sister is babysitting her, since they went out, and left me here to rot...(JOKING!) Each of them have some tricks up their sleeves: Dad - $Happy mood$ Valerie, wake up. Hurry up and finish your homework so you don't have to stay up late tonight $Bad mood$ VALERIE! WAKE UP! I TOLD YOU TO STUDY, AND HERE YOU ARE SLEEPING LIKE A PIG! $Computer mood$ ..., ..., ...... Vivien~ Look after Valerie~ *>|-C*

Mom - Valerie, wake up. Hurry up and finish your work, later dad will scold you (Haizzz... She caring and loving Mom, I LOVE YOU!!!)

Vicki - vaLERIE! Why are you sleeping!? Can you hurry up, HUH!? You still have...1...2...3 homeworks left! Hurry, I still need to study! (Yea, right! If she gets fed-up >>>) *Takes the cane* (Imagine her using a devils voice) VALERIE! Hurry!

There you have it, what my parents and sister would do. Well, Valerie would certainly not mind my Mom looking after her, it's just that Mom doesn't really prompt her... Dad depends on his mood and Vicki is really out, since she and Valerie always create Chaos at home.

Wow, parents are home now, with a brand new NOREBOOK!! At last, the PC is mine!!

Ciao, wanna enjoy the rest of my day now~~


^ Valerie sleeping, 5 minutes after I told her to study... >|-C

My Art, the black ink cartridge has some problems... look at the bottom left, the way it printed

English schoolwork, look at the mess!!

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First School Intervensi: OVER!

YO! ALL!! It's been a VERY long while... Hehe, no time to update this blog due to our Intervensi and obsession with TWITTER! Wow, our intervensi was part tough and part easy... Easy because they were just common sense! And DUH! We studied last minute! Tough: HISTORY!! Ya think you can remember YOUR history?! No... Can't even remember YOUR OWN history, and they're teaching you something even harder to remember... (@.@ And because of this, I HATE history...) So, below was my schedule for this weeks examination(sorry if it's blur, kinda had some problems with the html... so this is a picture of it...):

I am SOOO anxious about my results and I have my doubts about me getting high results. If I don't get A for Maths and Science, I know I'll die of a heart attack. I can't even face MYSELF! But, who cares~~! It's over, ended, finished, done, the end!! So, I'll just enjoy my whole Form 3 life till the next intervensi *grins*... And by celebrating, watch Changeling or CRIMINAL MINDS!

Well, I'll let ya guys know what my results are once I get them. So, have faith in me or not. Till next time.

"Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow"
Stressless, Happy!!, Free!
Vivien LOL

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