First School Intervensi: OVER!

YO! ALL!! It's been a VERY long while... Hehe, no time to update this blog due to our Intervensi and obsession with TWITTER! Wow, our intervensi was part tough and part easy... Easy because they were just common sense! And DUH! We studied last minute! Tough: HISTORY!! Ya think you can remember YOUR history?! No... Can't even remember YOUR OWN history, and they're teaching you something even harder to remember... (@.@ And because of this, I HATE history...) So, below was my schedule for this weeks examination(sorry if it's blur, kinda had some problems with the html... so this is a picture of it...):

I am SOOO anxious about my results and I have my doubts about me getting high results. If I don't get A for Maths and Science, I know I'll die of a heart attack. I can't even face MYSELF! But, who cares~~! It's over, ended, finished, done, the end!! So, I'll just enjoy my whole Form 3 life till the next intervensi *grins*... And by celebrating, watch Changeling or CRIMINAL MINDS!

Well, I'll let ya guys know what my results are once I get them. So, have faith in me or not. Till next time.

"Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow"
Stressless, Happy!!, Free!
Vivien LOL

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